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How the Word is Passed Small Group Discussions

February 1 - February 28

Race Presents: How the Word is Passed

How the Word is Passed illustrates how some of America’s most essential stories of slavery and discrimination are hidden in plain view.  This book of non-fiction is a landmark of reflection and insight that offers a new understanding of the hopeful role that memory and history can play in making sense of the United States and how it has come to be.

Sign up to join a group, Each group will each meet 4 times over the month of February (once per week for the entire month).

Group Meeting Days and Times

  • Wednesdays at 1pm
  • Wednesdays at 6pm
  •  Fridays at 10am
  •  Sundays at 7pm Via Zoom


Click here to learn more and to sign up! 


February 1
February 28
Event Category: