A Call Process often takes a year or more. When Pastor Aaron left in July 2022, Mount Calvary began a discernment process to decide the best staffing for the congregation given the current needs. As opposed to starting the Call Process at that time, the Human Resources team recommended to the Church Council to honor the timing of Mark’s graduation to allow us to assess his fit to the congregation.
Mount Calvary has now assembled a Call Committee to lead the congregation through this selection process. This is not a transition plan nor an internal selection. The Call Committee will lead us through a full search and call process with the help of the Minneapolis Area Synod. We simply chose to wait until this Fall to start to allow Mark to be one of the candidates.
The Call Committee has assembled. Their responsibilities include: determining the job profile, progressing through the recruitment phase, conducting the interview process and ultimately making a final selection recommendation to Church Council. If Church Council supports the recommendation, there will be a specially called congregational meeting whereby the congregation will support or deny through a vote. Two-thirds of the present voting members of the congregation will need to be supportive of the candidate for the final decision to be made.
We are not in a hurry and want to ensure there is time for external candidates to discern their fit at Mount Calvary. Meanwhile, Mark is also discerning and interviewing for other open positions in other congregations. We expect the process to continue for the next three to six months to fully complete the process.