Mount Calvary is a Christ-centered, Lutheran community of faith, whose members revel in the grace and love of God. In the Spirit of Jesus, we are open and inclusive of all people who seek a deeper relationship with God.


We believe our purpose is driven by and centered in the cross of Jesus, which is the supreme revelation of God’s heart for the world, the inclination to forgive and transform us by grace through faith, and our guide to discipleship.


We believe the diversity of views within the Christian faith and the existence of differing denominations are both gift and challenge to the Church. This diversity of views reflects God’s purpose. We commit ourselves to worship, pray and theologize with deep humility, and trust Jesus to be Lord of the whole Church and vow to learn from the rich and varied heritage of Christians of other denominations, opinions, cultures and lands.


We believe in Jesus, the living Word and presence of God, as the fullest and ongoing revelation of God in the world.


We believe the Scriptures to be the authoritative norm for our faith and life. We believe the written Word to be a means by which the living Word, Jesus, continues to speak to us and meet us through the enlightening work of the Holy Spirit.


We believe the sacraments to be places where the presence and power of Jesus are tangible and transformative. We baptize people at any age, infant or adult, in the confidence that this is the tradition of the early church and evidence of the grace and abundant love of God. We believe the Lord’s Supper to be a gift of God, which communicates the presence of Jesus and the forgiveness of sins and renews our relationship with God and neighbor.