Dear 8th Grade Families,
We love you and we miss you! We want to see you and your young person reconnected and ready for their Rite of Confirmation. We want to help you every step of the way.
Each family will need to do two things:
- Register Online for the Rite of Confirmation Worship Service (Choose a date and time.)
- Registration opens WED MAR 10 9:00AM.
- RSVP by TUE MAY 25 11:00PM.
- We will email and post on our webpage the registration web link on WED MAR 10.
- Complete Mentoring before the Rite of Confirmation.
SATURDAY, JUNE 26 @ 1:00 PM OR 3:00 PM
(Rain date: SUNDAY, JUNE 27 same times)
Complete Mentoring – Faith Projects Due WEDNESDAY, JUNE 23 by 4PM.
- Select a mentor. Complete the mentoring material with your mentor at the 8th Grade confirmation events facilitated by Pastor Aaron and Andrea at Mount Calvary MAY 26, JUN 02, JUN 09, JUN 16 @ 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
- Complete the mentoring material with a small group at the 8th Grade confirmation events facilitated by Pastor Aaron and Andrea at Mount Calvary MAY 26, JUN 02, JUN 09, JUN 16 @ 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM.
- Select a mentor. Complete the mentoring material with your mentor on your own, as in previous years.
Complete Mentoring – Faith Projects Due WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27 by 4PM.
- SPECIAL FALL-ONLY OPTION: Complete the mentoring material at Confirmation Camp AUG 02-AUG 05 in a small group facilitated by Pastor Aaron. (You must register separately for this here:
- Select a mentor. Complete mentoring with your mentor at the 9th Grade confirmation events facilitated by Andrea at Mount Calvary AUG 18, AUG 25, SEP 01, SEP 08.
- Complete the mentoring material with a small group at the 9th Grade confirmation events facilitated by Andrea at Mount Calvary AUG 18, AUG 25, SEP 01, SEP 08.
- Select a mentor. Complete the mentoring material with your mentor on your own, as in previous years.
Because of pandemic precautions, we are unable to coordinate small groups to participate in the Rite of Confirmation together. If you would like to coordinate preparation for and participation in the Rite of Confirmation together as a small group, please contact your small group guide.
- Registration opens MAR 10 9:00AM.
- RSVP by TUE MAY 25 11:00PM.
- We will email and post on our webpage the registration web link on WED MAR 10.
You can bring a party of up to 15 people total, including your confirmand (e.g., 14 family members + 1 confirmand = 15 people).
We have been working hard at designing a plan that would fit for all considering:
- The schedule of 8th graders vs. new 9th graders (next year).
- Upholding and honoring the promises made to your teen by your church–to provide a positive, nurturing, empowering, faithful confirmation experience.
- The lack of connection and relationship during the pandemic.
- Respect and thankfulness for the Guides who have so diligently offered of their time, talents, courage, and faithfulness.
- Families and teens who got way less than they bargained for.
- Safety and flexibility to include as many as possible.
- Helping you raise your young person in faith as best we can.