Pastor Kyle’s Installation

Into your hands, almighty God, we place ourselves: our minds to know you, our hearts to love you, our wills to serve you, for we are yours. November 7 we celebrated the installation of Pastor Kyle Jackson as Mount Calvary’s Senior Pastor with Bishop Ann Svennungsen.

A Great Time at Arts + Eats!

Worship Assistants Needed

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”    1 Corinthians 12: 12

When we gather for worship, we are all ministers, assembled to pray, sing, praise, celebrate communion and be sent forth in mission. The ministries are many – readers, communion assistants, prayer leaders, musicians, ushers, greeters and more. All of these individual ministries contribute to the health of the one body, all with particular functions which are needed for the whole.

Please consider joining of one or more of the following ministries, taking a new and vital role in the vibrant ministry of Mount Calvary!


  •  Welcome and assist those attending worship.
  •  Scheduled approximately 10-12 days per year.

Lay Readers

  • Continue the oral tradition of reading the scripture during worship.
  • Scheduled approximately three to five times per year, depending on worship service.

Prayers of the People Writers

  • Bring the voice of our membership into worship each week by writing and sharing the prayers, with assistance from a pastor.
  • Scheduled approximately three to four times per year.

Communion Prep

  • Prepare the communion elements for weekend worship
  • Scheduled  on Saturdays approximately 8-10 times per year

Communion Assistants

  • Assist pastors in serving communion during worship.
  • Scheduled approximately six to eight times per year, depending on worship service.

Altar Guild

  • Prepare the sanctuary with paraments, linens, candles, flowers, etc.
  • Scheduled eight to ten weekends per year.

Liturgical Arts

  • Helps with the visual aspects of worship, following the themes and seasons of the church year.
  • Creative team meets as needed; decorating is done with each changing liturgical season.

Email Jill Cowan with any questions or to sign up!

40 Years With Pastor Dave Celebration

Scenes from 40 Years with Pastor Dave

Congregational Mtg July 18

It was unanimous! We were delighted when the enthusiastic crowd at Mount Calvary joyfully voted to call Pastor Kyle Jackson as our next Senior Pastor. Enjoy some pictures from the day

Exciting Announcement!

Mount Calvary is pleased to announce that Mark Abelsen, Senior Director of Worship & Outreach, will begin Luther Seminary’s Master of Divinity program called MDivX this JuneStudents enrolled in MDivX earn their degrees in 24 months by participating in year-round classes and completing concurrent part-time congregational internships. We are excited that Mark has selected Mount Calvary as his internship site. We’ll have the joy of serving alongside Mark as he answers God’s call to ordained ministry. As he increases pastoral responsibilities and fulfills internship requirements, he will set aside his role in leading our musical groups. For two full years our congregation will welcome Paula Holmberg, as guest Chancel Choir Conductor and Paul Busch, as guest Handbell Choir Conductor. We are proud of Mark’s pursuit of ordained ministry and hope you celebrate this new adventure for Mark, his family, and Mount Calvary!