Foundation Coffeehouse 2024!

Congratulations to the Mount Calvary Foundation on their gala event Friday night. Guests were treated to live music, sweet treats, and gourmet coffee while they learned more about the Foundation’s work and the many worthy recipients that benefit from Foundation grants.

Nata Lux and North Star Therapy Animals

Golden Retriever, Nata Lux and Dr. Barbara Cameron are featured in our April edition of the Caller.

“When life gets tough, as it sometimes does, I feel a bit lost, so I ask Nata to pray with me. As Nata puts her paws into my hands, I see the devotion in her eyes. Our bowed heads touch and we thank God for our blessings. At “Amen,” I am more grounded and I see solutions more clearly. Goals in life are easy to say, but sometimes challenging to meet. For me, I hope to be the person Nata believes I am. I want to be like my Golden Retriever, who shares the bright light of God with great joy and pure love.” – Dr. Barbara Cameron

Nata Lux is Dr. Cameron’s North Star Therapy Dog. If you and your dog (or cat, guinea pig, llama, or miniature horse) would like to learn more about becoming a North Star Therapy Team, you may call Dr. Cameron at 612-388-7765. If you would like to receive a care visit, please contact Pastor Brenda.

Nata and Barbara invite you to see your pup in the favorite poem of her late father, Lyle E. Rinehart:

“A faithful dog will play with you. He’ll laugh with you or cry.

He’ll gladly starve to stay with you, nor ever reason why.

When you’re feeling out of sorts, he’ll somehow understand.

He’ll watch you with his shining eyes and try to lick your hand.

His blind, implicit faith in you is matched by his great love,

The kind that all of us should have in the Master up above.

When everything is said and done, I guess this isn’t odd,

For, when you spell “dog” backwards, you get the name of “God.” – Author, Unknown

Lift Off Camp’s James and the Giant Peach

James and The Giant Peach tells the story of James, a lonely orphan taken in by his two nasty aunts, Spiker and Sponge, with only insects to call his friends. This week, a group of young actors presented two performances at Mount Calvary, to rave reviews.

Opening Prayer

Last Wednesday Mount Calvary’s Pastor Kyle Jackson was invited to share the opening prayer for the Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate. His prayer follows:

Let us pray. 

Spirit of the loving God, fall afresh on this place. Your Spirit which hovered over the dark of deep chaos, hover over us now and bring order and light and wisdom and peace.  

Embolden, empower and engage this body to do your good work today. Give this body courage where there is fear, action where there is apathy, and to always put love over hate. 

As this body often sits in primary colors, show us your affinity for building bridges instead of walls. Give this body the ability to step across aisles that seem insurmountable and show us that your most glorious sunrises and sunsets are indeed, purple.  

We give great thanks for these servants, God and ask that you would bring each of them and the Minnesotans that they represent a measure of your peace that passes understanding. 


Mount Calvary Pillars: Inclusivity

“For everyone born, a place at the table.” I have mentioned in a few sermons how thrilled I was to discover, when I first got to Mount Calvary, that this hymn seems to be a bit of the theme song here! It is sung, it is on t-shirts and hoodies and permeates the very fiber of this place. It makes great sense that is deep in the bones as it the very embodiment of the good news of Jesus Christ. It is an appropriate theme for a church who names Inclusivity as one of our four pillars.

As Pastor Brenda says, “The gospel ceases to be the gospel when it becomes exclusive.” And so. The opposite of exclusive is inclusive. Everybody is in. No exceptions. No “but what about those people?” For all of us have been “them” at some point. For when there is an “us” and “them” we are teetering on exclusive.

And yet. We are not monolithic. We do not all think the same. It is my best guess when you are worshipping at Mount Calvary, you are worshipping next to a Democrat! And you are worshipping next to a Republican! And absolutely next to folks who call themselves in-between. Inclusive means EVERYBODY. And everybody means everybody. And we are stronger, richer, greater and become the embodiment of the good news when we are DIVERSE in our inclusivity.

The last weekend of June we will be celebrating inclusivity at Mount Calvary. We do not simply tolerate everybody. We do not simply invite everybody. We do not simply welcome everybody. We CELEBRATE everyone. Because every single person on the PLANET is the embodiment of Genesis 1:27: For God created EVERYONE in the very image of God. Every, every, everyone. For far too long, our world and the church have done a pretty good job of separating and dividing people. Of deeming some not worthy. Enough. We are created in the very image of God. And together we become a bold, glorious, colorful, even messy kaleidoscope of wonder and grace and mercy and beauty beyond description!

So come one. Come all. Come to the table of grace and inclusivity. Where there is no them. Just us. All together.

With great love, Pastor Kyle

Compass Point CO 2022

There are so many great photos from our youth trip to Compass Point!

Pastor Kyle’s Installation

Into your hands, almighty God, we place ourselves: our minds to know you, our hearts to love you, our wills to serve you, for we are yours. November 7 we celebrated the installation of Pastor Kyle Jackson as Mount Calvary’s Senior Pastor with Bishop Ann Svennungsen.

Worship Assistants Needed

“For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ.”    1 Corinthians 12: 12

When we gather for worship, we are all ministers, assembled to pray, sing, praise, celebrate communion and be sent forth in mission. The ministries are many – readers, communion assistants, prayer leaders, musicians, ushers, greeters and more. All of these individual ministries contribute to the health of the one body, all with particular functions which are needed for the whole.

Please consider joining of one or more of the following ministries, taking a new and vital role in the vibrant ministry of Mount Calvary!


  •  Welcome and assist those attending worship.
  •  Scheduled approximately 10-12 days per year.

Lay Readers

  • Continue the oral tradition of reading the scripture during worship.
  • Scheduled approximately three to five times per year, depending on worship service.

Prayers of the People Writers

  • Bring the voice of our membership into worship each week by writing and sharing the prayers, with assistance from a pastor.
  • Scheduled approximately three to four times per year.

Communion Prep

  • Prepare the communion elements for weekend worship
  • Scheduled  on Saturdays approximately 8-10 times per year

Communion Assistants

  • Assist pastors in serving communion during worship.
  • Scheduled approximately six to eight times per year, depending on worship service.

Altar Guild

  • Prepare the sanctuary with paraments, linens, candles, flowers, etc.
  • Scheduled eight to ten weekends per year.

Liturgical Arts

  • Helps with the visual aspects of worship, following the themes and seasons of the church year.
  • Creative team meets as needed; decorating is done with each changing liturgical season.

Email Jill Cowan with any questions or to sign up!

40 Years With Pastor Dave Celebration

Scenes from 40 Years with Pastor Dave