7th Grade Day of Service – Bridge Building

Our Mount Calvary 7th graders spent a great day learning from our Somali Muslim neighbors at Augsburg University with our 7th Grade Interfaith Bridge Building day.

Theatre 301 Presents Annie! (and her co-star, Iree)

A Message from Pastor Dave – 3/8/19

Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led by the Spirit in the wilderness, where for forty days he was tempted by the devil. He ate nothing at all during those days, and when they were over, he was famished. The devil said to him, “If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become a loaf of bread.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘One does not live by bread alone.’” Then the devil led him up and showed him in an instant all the kingdoms of the world. And the devil said to him, “To you I will give their glory and all this authority; for it has been given over to me, and I give it to anyone I please. If you, then, will worship me, it will all be yours.” Jesus answered him, “It is written, ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve only him.’” Then the devil took him to Jerusalem, and placed him on the pinnacle of the temple, saying to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down from here, for it is written, ‘He will command his angels concerning you, to protect you,’ and ‘On their hands they will bear you up, so that you will not dash your foot against a stone.’” Jesus answered him, “It is said, ‘Do not put the Lord your God to the test.’” When the devil had finished every test, he departed from him until an opportune time. Luke 4:1-13

It is for Jesus a time of preparation and discernment before going out to teach, preach, heal, and lead. Part of that preparation, we learn, is a challenge. Can Jesus say NO to the devil’s temptations to follow an easier road? People are looking for a Messiah and a religion that works for them…. feeding their hungers, asserting their superiority over others, and putting God-given miracles at their daily disposal. Can Jesus say NO to the offer of being able to lift His finger and proclaim His number one-ness over everything and prove his equality with God? Can Jesus stay true to and focused on what He has come out of the wilderness having learned…. that God’s offer of one more grand, amazing and grace-filled YES to the world REQUIRED Jesus to be able to say NO?

In this story of the Temptation, Jesus is making it clear to us that when we say YES to following Him we are also clearly saying NO to three alternatives. The way before Jesus is clear and it’s NOT about using power to feed our own appetites or trying to make God respond on our terms and creating some protective, angel bubble around us, or achieving power over others through the use of our faith. It is about a power, Spirit-driven and Spirit-filled, unleashed to serve and feed others, to trust God in all times and in all circumstances, and finally to take our place humbly in His kingdom alongside all those whom God names as His own.

One of the great ironies (and sadnesses) of contemporary American Christianity is that the most rapidly growing segments of the Christian community believe that God exists to address our financial wants and needs through miraculous providence; that God provides a protective bubble around us through prayer and angel visitors; and that assertive use of our majority power to set the agendas for schools, textbooks, and legislation is pleasing to God. Ironically, it is precisely these temptations Jesus resists and the opposite of the life of faith he describes in the Sermon on the Mount. While we can attempt to justify or explain away this conflict by saying that we’re asking for such things from Jesus and not from Satan, I don’t buy it. And the more I see it portrayed by television evangelists and megachurch pastors extending their own kingdoms, the more I am aware of such desires and temptations within me. I do understand the tendency to set aside the essences of Gospel and discipleship because a message of prosperity, protection and superiority has greater appeal. 

Jesus could easily have justified submitting to any one of the three temptations under the claim that He was only doing it for God’s sake. For God’s kingdom. To show God’s power and authority. But he did not. He chose instead to follow the way that the Apostle Paul called “the foolishness of God.” Power with and under people instead of over. Awareness and attention to the greater hungers and cries of humanity instead of the growling in my own belly or the bottom line in my checkbook ledger. Praying for God’s care and providence to assist me in serving others rather than carving out my own preferential treatment through Club Jesus. Laying down my life and loves for the loved one, neighbor and stranger as though laying it down for Him.

That is what Jesus taught and that is how Jesus lived. On His way to the Cross, it proved to be too much for the many who had claimed to be His followers and they deserted Him. Pray, people of God, that the Spirit that drew them back comes again. Pray for the Spirit who brings forgiveness and renewal to blow through our beloved Christian communities today and direct us on the paths of discipleship and a clear proclamation of grace for all. The temptation to follow a different way will surely come. Just say no.

Serving Full Circle

We are all called to volunteer for different reasons – maybe we simply are drawn to help a specific cause or organization. Maybe we want to give back to our church or our community. Maybe we do it for the social aspect or to be part of a group. Maybe volunteering is required for confirmation, or your mom makes you do it. No matter the reason, when you volunteer, you will find that volunteering can directly impact another person’s life. And when you impact someone else’s life, inevitably, you will impact your own.

Royce Lund felt the impact of volunteering at an early age. He enjoyed attending VBS as a camper and after 5th grade was excited to become a Junior Counselor. It was then that he became acquainted with a boisterous group of first graders that included upwards of twenty boys and only two or three girls. The gang was full of enthusiasm and energy, but luckily, Royce has a laid-back style that turned out to be perfect for dealing with the spirited pack.

Every day of camp week brought new adventures and lots of excitement. Royce continued to serve as a VBS counselor every year, first as a Junior Counselor, and then as a Lead Counselor when he was a Junior and Senior, traveling up the line towards fifth grade with the lively gang he met when they were first graders. His favorite part of volunteering was working with the kids, and seeing how much fun they had in VBS. Every day, they showed up so excited to find out what
adventures were in store, and there was one little guy in the class that developed a special connection with Royce. The six-year-old even approached Royce’s mom one day after VBS to ask if Royce could come over to his house some time for a playdate.

Through the years, Royce’s little buddy remained a special friend, and sort of honorary little brother. Royce attended his peewee hockey games, and when Royce graduated from high school, his buddy was at his grad party. Just last month the young friend’s brother played hockey in Bemidji, where Royce goes to college, and the two were able to spend time together at the games, where the younger boy was proud to sport the Bemidji State Hockey shirt Royce gave him. Over the years the relationship has grown from VBS student and Counselor into a real friendship.

The class of 2025 has completed 5th grade and moved onto middle school themselves now, and Royce said he “wouldn’t be surprised to see some of them become VBS Counselors.” He is hoping to come back to VBS to lead activities this summer, and maybe he’ll end up working alongside some of the kids he counseled through the years.

Thanks to our many Mount Calvary volunteers! And by the way, if any youth are interested in serving as counselors for ROAR, our 2019 VBS, Brenda and Andrea would be happy to hear from you.

The Joy of Being Found

The Joy of Being Found
by Pastor Brenda Legred

My nieces and nephews loved to play hide and seek. They could never get enough of it. “Let’s play again – just one more time!” I asked them why they liked the game so much. Now I would have expected them to say that it’s fun to hide. Instead they said, “Because it’s so exciting to be found!”

The Bible tells us the story of a shepherd who goes in search of a lone, lost sheep. Scripture tells us that heaven rejoices when this sheep is found. I imagine the lone sheep was glad too.

About 30 years ago, I was stranded in the Superior National Forest in a horrible snowstorm. My car was stuck and I had tried to walk as far as I could, but I just couldn’t make it in the storm. This happened before there were cell phones; at least I didn’t have one yet. So I went back to my car and waited there for about 9 hours. A pastor had suggested I take the road I was on as a shortcut. Later I learned that he was new in town and didn’t know the road was closed in the winter. Anyway, no cars went by. I was going to conserve my malted milk balls, but I ate them in the first 10 minutes. When a day had passed, I got out of the car, got down on my knees in the snow and prayed that God would rescue me.

After a few hours, a massive truck came through the woods. Two men who I remember were really good-looking, tall and broad-shouldered, said they were Canadian Mounted Police and gave me their business cards. Rod and Bob tied a rope to my car and towed me to the nearest highway. When I returned to Minneapolis, I called the office number on their business cards so I could thank them. The staff member said,

“We have never had mounted police with those names.” Angels? I believe they were either angels or angelic humans. Some people have said they may have been dangerous people and that I was fortunate. Either way, it was good to be found.

As a community in Christ, we rejoice in being found by the God who considered us so beautiful, so potentially authentic and faithful, that we were worth living in the world and dying for. Amazing grace!

Serve to the Max Project Ideas

1) Look through these lists of potential service projects, sorted alphabetically by category.
2) When you find a project you’re interested in, you can find detailed information at our display in the church Atrium.
3) Make sure you write down all the relevant information for your project(s)! Pick up a Take Home Sheet.
4) After you’ve completed your projects, please fill out the “I Served to the Max!” sheet (available at the Atrium display) with project details and a picture (optional) from your project—bring this back to church and return it to Chris Anderson, or at the Welcome Center.

Assisting Immigrants

Lutheran Social Services Refugee Mentor

Assisting Seniors

• Auburn Homes – Chaska
o Reception Desk
o Aviary Caretaker
o Music and Motion Assistance
o Pet Visitor
• Lake Minnetonka Shores – Spring Park
o Afternoon Tea Assistant
o Animal Visitor
o Bingo Callers
o Chapel Assistant-Escort
o Dining Room Assistant
• The Waters – Excelsior
 Pet Visitor

Employment Services

• Resumes, Job Search, etc. for local families and individuals

Environmental Projects

• Minnesota Arboretum Volunteer Opportunities
• Mount Calvary Community Garden & Spring Clean-up

Families Moving Forward

• Activities Hosts
• Dinner Hosts
• Overnight Hosts
• Welcome Hosts
• Supplies – provide needed supplies for Spring Session


• ICA Food Shelf
• Mount Calvary Community Meal
• Rezek House
o “Fill Our Fridge”
• Simpson House – Cereal Drive
• Mount. Calvary Emergency Food Bags


  • • Camp Noah – Kids Kits
    • Camp Noah – Fleece Blankets
    • WeCan Afterschool Snack Packs – 6th Grade Confirmation – February 27, 2019
    • Launch Ministry – 7th Grade Confirmation – February 27, 2019
    o Cosmetic Kits
    o Art Activity Kits – Young Adult
    o First Aide and Self Care Kits


• ReStore—help or donate at Habitat For Humanity’s supply center


• Volunteer for various one-time projects assisting people in our community with immediate needs


• Mount Calvary Blood Drive
• Global Health Ministries – Newborn Kits – 8th Grade Confirmation – February 27, 2019
• Lutheran World Relief – Personal Care Kits for Disaster Areas – 7th Grade Confirmation – February 27, 2019


• Rezek House Birthday and Graduation Kits
• His House


• Coffee Crew
• Hospitality Food and Refreshments
• MC Greeters
• Reception Desk Volunteer


• Writing Thank-You Cards for Veterans
• Molly’s Military Project – Snack Bags – 7th Grade Confirmation, February 27, 2019


  • Theatre 301 – Annie – Ushers
  • Theatre 301 – Annie – Concession Volunteer


• Meals on Wheels – Delivery Driver


• Carver County Library – Home Bound Delivery
• Gethsemane Lutheran – Various building, repairing and cleaning projects
• Luther Park
o Spring Work Day
o Wish List
o Spaghetti Dinner and Silent Auction
• Excelsior – Luck of the Lake 5K Volunteers


• Therapy Dogs – Lake Minnetonka Shores, Auburn Homes, The Waters