Lift Off Camp’s James and the Giant Peach

James and The Giant Peach tells the story of James, a lonely orphan taken in by his two nasty aunts, Spiker and Sponge, with only insects to call his friends. This week, a group of young actors presented two performances at Mount Calvary, to rave reviews.

Compass Point CO 2022

There are so many great photos from our youth trip to Compass Point!

Sisters Moon and Stars: A Story With Andrea

This week at Confirmation

Each part of the body of Christ makes a difference in God’s world. Tonight at Confirmation we talked about how God’s Spirit moves in us all and each of us has a part in God’s story!  feeling inspired.

Confirmation Images

Our confirmation kids made a mirror craft to remember the promise God makes to them in baptism, “You are my child, my beloved, and with you I am well pleased.”

Music Man Junior Lifts Off!

The cast of 4-8 graders rolled into River City this morning to begin rehearsals for Music Man Jr! Performance Dates will be July 18/19. Tickets available in the church office.


Pine Ridge 2019 Day 6

Our final day in South Dakota, we were out seeing the Black Hills and the Badlands with new eyes, keeping our Lakota friends in mind. We met Kelly Looking Horse at the Crazy Horse Memorial and celebrated with him his winning the art show top prize!

Pine Ridge 2019 Back Home Again!

Back in Excelsior today. Thank you, Mount Calvary, for a fantastic, God-filled, and fun mission trip!

Pine Ridge 2019 Day 5

We continued with our fence-building project bright and early. After lunch we visited Thunder Valley CDC where they are building a sustainable community centered on traditional values and incorporating agriculture, housing, energy generation, education, and youth leadership training. Our crew played with and served a meal to neighborhood kids in the afternoon. This evening we heard from Will Peters, a local high school teacher and musician. His stories, music, and friendly charisma really connected with our youth.

Pine Ridge Day 4

Wednesday started somberly. Our group visited Wounded Knee and heard from Kelly Looking Horse the story of the massacre that happened there in 1890 (and again in 1973). Kelly led us in a prayer of mourning and remembrance. We then visited the Lakota Nation’s KILI radio followed by the commodity food distribution center. In the afternoon we began work on a fencing project for a military veteran and then came back to help with Kid’s Time at the retreat center. In the evening local people came by and put on an art show. Another full and blessed day!