Opening Prayer

Last Wednesday Mount Calvary’s Pastor Kyle Jackson was invited to share the opening prayer for the Minnesota House of Representatives and Senate. His prayer follows:

Let us pray. 

Spirit of the loving God, fall afresh on this place. Your Spirit which hovered over the dark of deep chaos, hover over us now and bring order and light and wisdom and peace.  

Embolden, empower and engage this body to do your good work today. Give this body courage where there is fear, action where there is apathy, and to always put love over hate. 

As this body often sits in primary colors, show us your affinity for building bridges instead of walls. Give this body the ability to step across aisles that seem insurmountable and show us that your most glorious sunrises and sunsets are indeed, purple.  

We give great thanks for these servants, God and ask that you would bring each of them and the Minnesotans that they represent a measure of your peace that passes understanding. 
