Well Wishes and What’s Next at Mount Calvary
The peace of Christ be with you always.
There are a lot of unknowns in this situation, so we hope this email helps. Waiting and not knowing are situations addressed frequently in scripture and are at the heart of what it means to have faith. We await, not knowing, but trusting that God is at work in the moment and in the people of faith and those of expertise for good. We look and hope for that work and we commit to being a part of God’s movement in creating hope and compassionate care. Information and guidelines seem to change by the day and we want you to trust that we are paying attention to and implementing best practices and we are also concerned with supporting and encouraging you through the challenges this places on you and your loved ones.
Following the Center for Disease Control’s recommendation that all gatherings of 50+ cancel for the next eight weeks, Mount Calvary Leadership has decided to officially cancel all programming through April 3rd.
The eight week recommendation goes through May 10th. During the eight weeks, all activities that are currently planned are on hold. If a gathering between April 3rd – May 10th is officially cancelled, you will be informed. Each week we will evaluate activities based on the WHO, CDC and MDH. We will always use special concern for our diverse population and close gatherings.
As this all unfolds, we invite and encourage you to keep in touch. We pledge to keep in touch with you, as well. We will be rolling out Mount Calvary-designed options for families and members to use at home. Stay tuned! As we continue to stay in place and practice social distancing, we are honored to know many of you are already looking for ways to help Mount Calvary and your community.
Let’s pray together. Now, and often. For our church, for those who are fearful, or alone, or in need of healing.
Living God, grant comfort in suffering to all who are in need of healing. When they are afraid, give them courage; when afflicted, give them patience; when dejected, give them hope; and when alone, assure them of the support of your holy people. ~The Lutheran Book of Worship