Mount Calvary Foundation
In our May board meeting we received reports on a couple of interesting items. First, Linda Saveraid and I met with Rev. Simon Haamer from Tartu Academy in Estonia. He was here to thank us for our support in the past few years. They have grown from a handful of people to over 130 seminarians, which is wonderful news. The bad news is they lack professors to teach, counsel and mentor these students who are dedicated to bringing the gospel into the communities. Estonia does not have bricks and mortar churches; the Nazis and the Soviets saw to that. Today, the graduates bring religion to their career jobs. Many of these are in health care and education. Being a Christian in Estonia is very difficult with much discrimination.
We also began to review a new financial model from RBC Wealth Management where our assets are managed. We will hear more in our June meeting and then have the option of using this new model or remaining with the same strategy.
We voted to order a bench, small altar, and planters to be placed in front of the columbarium. They will be made of the same Kasota stone that is used throughout the church. Our goal is to create a more reverent site and give a little more privacy to the space.
This brings up the subject of retirement and end-of-life planning. According to the Wall Street Journal, fewer than one in three couples believe either spouse could take the reins of financial management in their absence. Only about half have current wills. Ninety-four percent of surveyed adults said they think it’s important to talk about their own and their loved ones’ wishes for end-of-life care, BUT only thirty percent have done so! The reasons for procrastination fall into four categories:
- • It’s not something they need to worry about at this point in life
- They aren’t sick yet
- The subject makes them feel uncomfortable
- They don’t want to upset their loved ones
There are as many as 53 decisions that need to be made at time of death. Many can be made well ahead of time rather than in the middle of the grieving process. While the actual planning may be uncomfortable, the peace of mind that can be enjoyed upon completion is well worth the effort.
If you are interested in learning more about this kind of planning, a lot of help is available. Please see Pastor Brenda or any other Foundation Trustee. Also, if you think you might be interested in becoming a board member, come to a meeting. We meet from 7:30 to 8:30am on the second Tuesday of each month. Or talk to any trustee – you will find a list of Foundation Trustees on the Mount Calvary website. Thanks again for all your support.
Ross McGlasson,
Board Chair